Jacob Tomlinson
Jacob Tomlinson is a senior Python software engineer at NVIDIA with a focus on deployment tooling for distributed systems. His work involves maintaining open source projects including RAPIDS and Dask. RAPIDS is a suite of GPU accelerated open source Python tools which mimic APIs from the PyData stack including those of Numpy, Pandas and SciKit-Learn. Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics with out-of-core computation, lazy evaluation and distributed execution of the PyData stack. He also tinkers with the open source Kubernetes Python framework kr8s in his spare time. Jacob volunteers with the local tech community group Tech Exeter and lives in Exeter, UK.

Accelerating Python using the GPU is much easier than you might think. We will explore the powerful CUDA-enabled Python ecosystem in this tutorial through hands-on examples using some of the most popular accelerated scientific computing libraries.
Topics include:
- Introduction to General Purpose GPU Computing
- GPU vs CPU - Which processor is best for which tasks
- Introduction to CUDA
- How to use CUDA with Python
- Using Numba to write kernel functions
- CuPy
- cuDF
No prior experience with GPU's is necessary, but attendees should be familiar with Python.